General Interest

American Mensa - Everything you wanted to know.

Shatner Rocks - Singing cuts by various Star Trek characters.

Klingon Language Institute - Speaks for itself.  Learn about the Klingon language.  Pick up useful phrases.

The Sherlock Holmes Museum - Provides a tour of the museum,  entry to the museum shop, links to trailers and to The Baker Street Times, text of many (maybe all, I don't know) of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, biographical information on both Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and much more

Footsteps of Wood - An interesting article on the background of the Wood name.  Additional information as well as quite a bit on the movements of different peoples and cultures in Europe including some of the prominent Woods is at  The Story.  Some genealogy and history of The Family of Admiral Sir Andrew Wood of Largo,Scotland (made Clan Chief of MacDonald by King James V.).  Lastly, there is a page dealing with the Wood genealogy of the site's author.

Pictish Nation - The world's first web site dedicated to the Picts!  A page dedicated to that ancient race (known as the Picts) whom once inhabited present day Scotland. Includes links to other Pictish pages on the web.

Investment Information - A few of my favorite sites that provide cheap investment information and tools.

Research: InvestorNet - Has investment research links, tools for tracking investments (watch lists, portfolio tracking, quotes), analysis (portfolio analysis, stock screens, mutual fund screens, expert picks), and various investor tools.

 Wall Street Research Net  - Consists of over 500,000 links to help investors perform fundamental research on actively traded companies and mutual funds and locate economic data.  With most of the links, your selected stock is carried along.  Very handy.  Includes fundamentals, ratios, and earnings information for past six years and past five quarters.  Easy access to Edgar.  More than can be adequately described in this space.

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