Guess who?  The terrible threesome plus Jerry.  This is at the farm near Fairhaven.  On the far side of the cars is where the old apple orchard was.  Wasn't really in that great shape.  We moved the chicken into that area for a time.
Back row:  Alan, Patsy, Don
Front row:  Rita, Marvin Burcham (Buddy), David Burcham, Shirley Burcham

This had to be a year or two after we moved to Calif since Rita was 4 when we moved

The threesome in front of the corn crib.  1942
The whole crew except for poor Ronda, of course.  Don't have a date on this but has to be either just before we moved or the first year we went back for vacation.  I think it is before we moved.  Taken in the back yard at Grandma and Grandpa Wood's in Eaton.
An even earlier family portrait.  I just can't remember it being taken so I'm not sure where it was.
This was labeled as being in 1942.  The door is the back door leading into the house through the summer kitchen.  This is Dad in case you hadn't guessed.  He was always slim in those days.  Probably never over 150 pounds or so.
Guess who?  Patricia Ann Wood
Pat in 1942 in front of our house.  Somehow the house always looks smaller than it did then.  Especially when stopping to see it in person.
Not sure when but I think that it is just before the big move.
I'm sure you've seen some like this but thought I'd throw it in.

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